Mayor Jack Horton Town of Franklin North Carolina

Mayor Jack Horton

Mayor Jack Horton brings 36 years experience in City and County Management to the Town of Franklin, North Carolina. Mr. Horton served as County Manager for Macon County from 1985-1991 and 2008-2013. He earned his Master's Degree from Appalachian State University.

Mr. Horton currently serves on the Macon County Airport Authority and Macon Citizens Habilities. He is Chairman of the State of Franklin Health Council for Senior Citizens. Mr. Horton is a Life Member of the North Carolina City / County Managers Association and a member of the Franklin Rotary Club. He previsouly served as a member of the Franklin Town Council.

He and his wife Lydia have two sons.

Contact Mayor Horton

Jack Horton
PO Box 1479
Franklin, NC 28744-1479